When it comes to team culture, we believe that personality is critical to team performance. We’ve designed this session to help co-workers express their personality in a fun way, and even produce a tangible resource that can be used to support future collaboration! 

Three of our favorite group experiences are combined into one virtual experience to foster connection between co-workers. 

  1. Human User Manual - Develop a one-page “user manual” to help co-worker understanding. Could include tips like, “I appreciate straight, direct communication” or, “I prefer meetings to be scheduled after 10 am.”

  2. Blind Picasso - A fun and engaging way of drawing a portrait - done in pairs. 

  3. Highest-Self Haiku - Write a Haiku reflecting on partner’s personality - done in pairs.


Our pricing is $950 for a group of 10 people, plus $40 per person above and beyond #10

Optional Add-On

Printed and bound team user manual for the office!  +$300

To book one of our off-the-shelf adventures or receive more information, please click below or email us:

hello (-at-) (*not .com, but .co)